Elephant Adventure

This story is from a trip to Namibia a few years ago.

We had a guide and went down a particular waterway to look at elephants.  And it was amazing as we saw a lot and were able to sit and watch them.  But lunch time came. So we went away, and down a different waterway with no elephant tracks.

However, as our guide was setting out things from the back of the track.  A small group of male elephants came out of the trees.  The first one actually kicked our bedroll a very far distance.  But we all scrambled back into the vehicle. Our guide was a little panicked.  There was a small group of elephants and they were walking and eating around us.

My wife Angela was a little excited.  But I watched a few minutes and than read a book.  I also did not close my window. So when the elephants were bored and about to leave the granddad came up to me and breathed me in.

I was told by locals this was an honour - that since I was not panicked or excited the Elephant wanted to remember me so they do that by smell.  It was quite surprising and very cool what happened.


=== END ===

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